
My name is Karl-Johan Dahl and I work as a software developer, specialising in SharePoint and Microsoft 365. I am a freelance consultant based out of Gothenburg, Sweden. Find my full resume at LinkedIn and feel free to contact me at kj@kjdahl.se.

SPFx – Working with deep links in a Teams tab

Working with SharePoint Framework in Teams a common use case is the ability to generate links to various items, so called deep links. More information on deep links can be found here. Our component will require Teams context and the webpart app id. App id is found in the webpart manifest file and te...Continue reading...

SPFx – Post HTML message to Team chat

We are continuing the last post´s topic which was integrating Teams and SharePoint Framework. Today we cover the scenario of posting an HTML formatted message to a chat channel in a Team. In a recent application at my customer, we included the option of not only sending emails but also posting messa...Continue reading...

SPFx – Create planner task with description body

I have been working with SharePoint Framework in combination with Teams and Planner lately and I thought that I would share some of my experiences. We will be using PNP/graph as well as the MSGraphClient. The use case is that we have an SPFx webpart, that is deployed and added as a tab to a Team. Fr...Continue reading...
